The Resilience Advantage™ Training

Tools and strategies to strengthen resiliency, improve decision making and increase productivity


Resilience: The capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, challenge or adversity

hat if you could flip the switch at will from a state of overwhelm to a state of being in the zone whenever you felt depleted, required more focus and problem solving capability, or needed to handle a challenging client, situation or colleague?


Twenty years of evidence based scientific research has shown that a particular state called coherence can enable you to do all that. The Resilience Advantage Training programs can help you recharge your battery, regain your enthusiasm and stay in the zone for this next stage of your life and career. Coherence is being called the “secret science of brilliant leadership” and has been used by major hospitals, Fortune 500 companies, Olympic level athletes and the US Navy. It is just now becoming available in this format for already successful professionals like you.


Benefits Include:

  • Enhanced ability to focus, process information and solve problems
  • Heightened creativity and innovation
  • Increased ability to handle challenging clients and situations
  • Improved situational awareness in relationships, meetings and projects
  • Greater employee satisfaction, well being and morale
  • Increased vitality, resilience and regenerative sleep
  • More effective access to intuition for fast, effective decision making on complex issues

HeartMath: Consistently Delivered the Following Results


improvement in calmness^


improvement in sleep^


improvement in listening ability*


improvement in ability to focus*



improvement in ability to manage conflict*



decrease in depression^


decrease in fatigue^


decrease in anxiety^


decrease in desire to leave the business*


*Sustained improvements in 1400 employees at five global companies after 6-12 months following HeartMath training

^ Improvements in mental and emotional well-being in over 11,500 people in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology


n our fast moving era, corporations, hospitals, government agencies and schools are looking for ways to work smarter and more efficiently. Leadership in these turbulent times requires the ability to manage situations that are sometimes volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous and still achieve a consistently high-level of performance and results. Strengthening employee and leader resilience has become an important strategy for improving organizational effectiveness, productivity and well-being. Shifting priorities, packed workloads, reorganization and complex communication challenges can easily sway the morale of staff into disenchantment and loss of focus and composure. If not powerfully and appropriately addressed, these situations can negatively impact the quality of decision making, collaboration, productivity, employee initiative and innovation.


The program can be tailored for your organizational needs and delivered in full day, half day and two hour workshops allowing for scheduling flexibility. Follow up individual and team coaching is also available.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Be less reactive, think clearly and make good decisions under pressure
  • Use practical intuition to effectively manage change without overwhelm
  • Learn powerful techniques and skills to maintain emotional stability in tough situations
  • Recognize subtle stress signals before they become chronic and debilitating

At the program’s core are easy to learn self-regulation tools and resilience-building practices that help individuals become more physiologically and emotionally balanced. By improving their levels of internal coherence, a more optimal physiological state is experienced as reflected in the harmonious functioning of the body’s mental, emotional and physical systems. With practice, it is possible to shift to a more coherent and composed state before, during and after challenging or adverse situations, thus maximizing mental clarity and emotional stability.

Providing a practical framework of self-regulation tools and resilience-building practices can dramatically help individuals gain more inner poise and clarity in the face of change and overwhelm. Improved composure facilitates clear thinking and a stronger identify with organizational purpose and core values. An improved work culture builds upon and reinforces the strengths of employees, leading to increased productivity and innovation.

Participants learn how their responses to events, communications or circumstances can deplete or renew their resiliency. A basic framework of key physiological processes provides a scientific foundation for the practice and internalization of the self-regulation tools and resiliency-building practices.

Want A Resilience Advantage™ Training for your organization?

PHONE/TEXT Sandy at 206-817-8757 about scheduling a customized Heartmath Resilience Advantage™ Training for your organization.
HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath. Resilience Advantage and Personal Resilience are trademarks of Doc Childre. emWave is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. Inner Balance is a trademark of Doc Childre.

Explore The Coherence Edge