What is the HeartMath System?

This information is quoted from the HeartMath Inc. (HeartMath.com) and HeartMath Institute (HeartMath.org) websites and is used with permission


eartMath started in 1991 as the non-profit research and education organization, the Institute of HeartMath. HeartMath LLC was formed in 1996 to offer our research-based training programs and products to organizations, health professionals, and individuals around the world.

HeartMath training programs have been delivered with exceptional, documented outcomes in a wide variety of organizations, including Fortune 100 companies, healthcare systems, schools, government agencies, and to tens of thousands of people in pursuit of personal growth or better health.

Our Evidence-Based Programs include:

  • The latest findings on the physiology of stress, resilience and performance
  • A practical, proven tool set to respond coherently and effectively to complexity, pressure emotional challenge and change
  • HeartMath Inner Balance™ and emWave® technologies-engaging, real-time monitoring and feedback technology
  • Assessments-Normed and validated pre/post survey with aggregate report

At the Core of every HeartMath program and technology are 3 innovative principles with measurable outcomes:

  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) — the naturally occurring beat to beat changes in the heart rate. It is well known that mental and emotional states directly affect the autonomic nervous system and HRV
  • Resilience — an individual’s ability to adapt to difficult experiences and rise above them
  • Coherence — a state where mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy are in alignment and a person is operating at full capacity

Life is moving so fast. Today’s world has become increasingly complex, challenging and at times uncertain. As a result many of us can feel stressed and overwhelmed affecting our sleep, health, relationships, performance and the overall quality of our lives. Doing more than just keeping up, thriving and not just surviving, takes new skills and approaches. We understand. HeartMath offerings have been caringly created to help us manage the day-to-day challenges we all face.

About HeartMath Institute (HMI)

HMI’s simple, user-friendly mental and emotional self-regulation tools and techniques provide benefits in the moment and over sustained periods. They enable people everywhere to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, intuitive insight and fulfillment. Our research has formed the foundation for training and education programs worldwide among diverse cultures. We’ve worked with major corporations, government and social service agencies, all branches of the military, schools and universities, hospitals and a wide range of health-care professionals and law enforcement agencies.

Since our inception we have been developing and delivering research-based, practical, and reliable tools and technologies that enable people to align and connect their heart, mind and emotions to produce transformative outcomes—with more flow and less stress. In essence, our products and services are designed to empower people to improve their experience of life and bring their best selves to their personal, social, and professional lives.

We do this by connecting heart and science in ways that empower people to greatly reduce stress, build resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making better choices. You and your clients benefit from over 20 years of published research, positive experience and solid best practices. As for ROI, our outcomes speak for themselves.

HeartMath Science and Research

The HeartMath System is comprised of techniques, tools and technology; and has been developed and validated through rigorous scientific research. Our partner, the non-profit research organization the Institute of HeartMath, is a recognized global leader in emotional physiology and stress-management research. Their studies using HeartMath techniques and technology have been published in many peer reviewed journals including; The American Journal of Cardiology, Harvard Business Review and Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Additional studies are currently taking place in many institutions such as Arizona State University and University of Northampton, Northampton, England.

The research supporting our offerings is focused on psychophysiology, neurocardiology and biophysics research, as well as clinical, workplace and organizational intervention and treatment outcome studies. Many of these studies have been done in collaboration with universities, research centers and healthcare system partners. This research has significantly advanced the understanding of heart-brain interactions, heart-rate-variability analysis, emotional physiology and the physiology of optimal learning and performance and provides the foundation of the HeartMath System.

Want HeartMath Coaching & Training?

PHONE/TEXT Sandy at 206-817-8757 (East coast location) to find out how you can leverage HeartMath’s scientifically validated tools to help you build resilience for you and your team.


HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath. Resilience Advantage and Personal Resilience are trademarks of Doc Childre. emWave is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. Inner Balance is a trademark of Doc Childre.

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