Coherence Edge™

for High Performance Individuals


Personalized mentoring and coaching to enhance optimal performance, intelligent energy management and achievement of personal and organizational goals.

Peak Performing Individuals


lite performance as an individual requires that you bring your “A” game consistently to your work and your life. To operate with optimal effectiveness in a rapidly changing business climate and to lead in a high risk environment requires the ability to focus, be in the flow, process information quickly and make fast, impactful decisions in challenging situations. It also necessitates tapping into “on the move” innovation and problem solving while staying resilient and agile over the long haul.

The military, corporate executives, first responders and elite athletes are using this work to keep their competitive edge.


Find out how:

  • A retired senior Army officer is overcoming PDST and using this method to grow a successful new business
  • The CEO of a large international not for profit considers this his secret sauce for managing the stresses of operating in a tough environment while creating personal fulfillment
  • A global IT manger has the ability to stay calm in highly charged situations while leading international negotiations

Are you ready to be fully prepared for any challenging situation and have the sustained capacity and resilience to perform at your best no matter what the circumstances?


Are You A High Performance Individual?

PHONE/TEXT Sandy at 206-817-8757 (East coast location) for a 20 minute complimentary consultation to see if we are a good match for the results you intend to achieve.
Use HeartMath® tools and techniques to create and sustain maximum individual results and performance.
HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath. Resilience Advantage and Personal Resilience are trademarks of Doc Childre. emWave is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. Inner Balance is a trademark of Doc Childre.

Explore The Coherence Edge